Want to close your deals faster? Another time-saving feature of our merchant services CRM is the Digital Signature module. It makes selling merchant services easier by allowing you to send a copy of the merchant agreement to the merchant and having them sign it instantly. No more running back and forth between the printer and fax machine!
After using PegasusCRM to generate your agreement automatically, you can send an electronic copy directly to the merchant through the Merchant Portal. The merchant receives the agreement instantly within the Portal, where they can view, approve, and sign using our Liquid Sign feature. Liquid Sign, which we developed specifically for the merchant services industry, allows your merchants to sign using either a mouse or a touchscreen device, completing the agreement without printing a single page.
Merchants can clear and re-sign as many times as they need until they’re satisfied with the e-signature. The instant that the merchant clicks submit, the signature is pasted into each signature field in the document, and PegasusCRM records a time/date stamp and the IP address at which the document was signed.
Our system removes the endless hassle of printing, scanning, and faxing documents by facilitating the entire process online. With PegasusCRM, you can have your merchants on the phone as they sign and return the completed merchant agreement to your office in a matter of minutes.
If you want to learn more about what PegasusCRM can do, watch this demo video. If you’re ready to talk to one of our team members about your Merchant Services CRM needs, call toll free at 855-332-1608 or email us.
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